Holly does Hollywwod question..
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Patient Zero 2.0 ...Who are you to doubt El Dandy???
2006-10-12 05:01:18 UTC
I know that there are 3 versions of HdH...

1. The original

2. The movie with Traci scenes cut out

3. The 1999 version

My question is this...Is there really a difference between 1 and 3????
I've got a plan so cunning, you could put a tail on it and call it a
weasel." ---
2006-10-13 01:00:55 UTC
Post by Patient Zero 2.0 ...Who are you to doubt El Dandy???
I know that there are 3 versions of HdH...
1. The original
2. The movie with Traci scenes cut out
3. The 1999 version
My question is this...Is there really a difference between 1 and 3????
I've got a plan so cunning, you could put a tail on it and call it a
weasel." ---
I believe later 1999 movie had more Steve Drake/Christy footage
included than original. They used extra outtake footage to make up for
parts cut out.

I think there are probably more than 3. From previous postings to this

1) from 2003: The ORIGINAL was a super blockbuster, VERY long, many
Because of multiple cameras, there was a big surplus of footage shot,
and there
have been many Compilations and Specials which include outtakes from
original filming; dozens of titles!

Christy Canyon was the STAR, but Traci Lords had some bit-parts which
had to be
edited-out when the scandal broke. The long original was withdrawn,
taken off
shelves while changes were made. When the legalized version first
there were gold stickers placed strategically on the old boxcovers to
TL. In the film, the Christy Canyon dance intro with all the "credits"
had to be fixed to omit TL name. Even with TL footage eliminated, the
movie was
plenty long, and there was enough Christy Canyon/Steve Drake outtake
footage to
replace the TL/Marc Wallice bits.

As the years went by and people were still buying HDH, the boxcovers
especially after 1989 when Christy did a new boxcover shoot for HOLLY
HOLLYWOOD IV. Christy's new photos were used for revised boxcovers on
copies of
the 1984 movie. These new pics include several big reels as part of

The most unusual version of HOLLY DOES HOLLYWOOD was put out by Mark
Curtis in
1999, sold thru Leisuretime Products. The introduction still shows part
Christy's tease-dance, but black & white and outtakes not shown in
1984, and the
background song has been replaced with newer music. This version is
"Edited by
Billy Bad-Ass" and shows a 1999 date. For anyone thoroughly familiar
with all
original scenes, you won't want to miss the new ways of seeing the same
using outtake footage! Thanks, SS, for showing this one to me!!!

Of the many Compilations revealing some outtakes from the original 1984
of HDH, two of the best are VESS62 (Video Exclusives Star Series volume
CHRISTY CANYON) and TIT-FUCKERS (Keyhole div of V.E.), but there are
other good ones..

2) Mark Curtis, his wife Tina Marie and their team put a massive effort

into this one, used multiple cameras to record all action, making sure
to have more than enough film to work with in the cutting-room. As
years passed by, the actual content of this video changed several
times, and the revised 1999 re-edited version from Mark Curtis
(Leisure Time Enterprises), re-edited by Billy Bad Ass, has many
camera angles which were not in the 1985 original, and an entirely new
Christy dance beginning in monochrome, but without the provocative
sexual lyrics which were heard in the 1985 version. There must have
been about 180 minutes of footage, far too much to squeeze it all into
just 90 minutes, so huge chunks of Christy's scenes were short-ened,
especially Christy's final scene with Steve Drake.

3) When first released, before TL scandal and lawsuits,
original (90 minutes?) long version included some TL footage
to boost sales, including one near the end, TL/Marc Wallice.
On that tape, there is a distinctive "Holly" song at the beginning
while Christy is dancing for the camera and the Credits roll by.
Fairly long song, with words, and it is repeated for a long ending.
If i remember correctly, that song starts after the Steve D.
moneyshot, and continues for quite awhile, so the original had the
TL/MW climax and moneyshot dubbed in as videotrack during that
soundtrack. Before the song ends, the videotrack returns to Christy
and Steve lying back down on the bed, embracing, and going back to

Other versions exist with all TL scenes wiped out, but those usually
still show Christy and Steve's goodnight embrace.
MES Jones
2006-10-24 16:07:04 UTC
I remember her scenes were short and poorly shot. (very little "full
body" framing --refering to Christy's body that is....)
So how much longer are her scenes? I think the 3 way was like 6 min
on the first one. (big difference to today that are about 15 min).
Where is the newer version available to rent or buy?
BTW, where is it written that a porn movie has to be under 90 min?
Sex 5th ave, is 1 hour and 57 min long. mes.

2006-10-13 00:56:05 UTC
In article <y_jXg.2353$***@trndny02>, Patient Zero 2.0 ...Who are you to
doubt El Dandy??? says...
Post by Patient Zero 2.0 ...Who are you to doubt El Dandy???
I know that there are 3 versions of HdH...
1. The original
2. The movie with Traci scenes cut out
3. The 1999 version
My question is this...Is there really a difference between 1 and 3????
The 90's version of Holly Does Hollywood is completely different from the 1986
version. If you're talking about the one released around 1991 called "Holly
Does Hollywood 4", Christy is now in her early 20's and has a much fuller body,
with a more profesional acting ability, too. Personally, I prefer the 1986
version because it's wall-to-wall Christy, but the 1990 (1991?) version is also
great. If there was some other version released in 1999 I'm unaware of it.
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