Help from Italian fan of Christy
(too old to reply)
2005-10-06 22:10:59 UTC
Dear Friends of Christy:
I write this message from Italy.
I am great fan of Miss Christy from 1989.
I almost all have filmographi of Christy, in my collection they miss only
4-5 films.
I am looking for a very rare film (Robin Byrd Show) I have asked this film
to the fan-club but it is not available. I am desperate, for me it is a lot
of main point to add this film in my collection.
Have visited some messages newsgroup in which this film is written
striptease is very a lot of beautiful!!!!!
Please!!! Please!!! Please helped me!! I am available to buy a copy of this
I appeal a great to all the friends of the beautiful Christy this it is for
me the only possibility to receive this video, a particular invitation to
the kind Chello and also to the whole other great fans all over the world.
This is my address:
My best regards to everybody
excuse my bad English
Zibi from Italy
2005-10-07 17:13:38 UTC
Post by sb64
I am looking for a very rare film (Robin Byrd Show) I have asked this film
to the fan-club but it is not available.
Aaah, fond memories!
Christy Canyon was dancing at Goldfingers in New York City at the
time, as a Celebrity Feature Dancer for a few days. Robin Byrd was
throaty blond female Hostess of her own Adult talk show on local Cable
TV. There were other dancers among the guests, female andmale
dancers.too. Christy is VERY good on such shows, and there was good
chemistry between Robin, Christy and others. Later in the show, all of
the dancers were shown dancing as a group, including Christy dancing
with Robin.
During the time when Robin was interviewing Christy, they were
promoting some of Christy's CANYON VIDEO films such as Hot In The
City, but if i recall correctly, she had already left Video Exclusives
and was filming for VIVID only. The highlight of Christy's portion of
this short TV show was indeed beautiful. Christy had performed a solo
striptease (probably at Goldfingers) just for the purpose of showing
the clip on Robin Byrd Show appearance. Excellent!

Local New York fans were able to enjoy that Show, and even record
their own copy. It may have also been broadcast nationally. Somehow,
Christy managed to get a copy which she reproduced as part of one of
the "Dance Videos" which she sold from her personal Fan Club at
Sherman Oaks California a few years ago, and that was where i saw it,
on a VHS tape which Christy sent to me. Many other Fans must have
purchased that Candid Christy film also, and if you are lucky,"Italian
Fan", one of them may respond to your plea.

Unfortunately, i no longer have that tape. Like the live Dancing where
it was my privilege to see Christy in person on-stage, that
Goldfingers strip-tease is a treasured memory, but not "hard copy".

sb64 Sir, good luck pursuing this elusive fragment. It sounds as
though you have a marvelous collection of CHRISTY CANYON treasures,
and if you never find the short Striptease, it really was VERY short.
Robin Byrd and Christy Canyon also met at various Adult Video shows
and expositions, and there are other short clips of Robin interviewing
Christy at those shows.

Happy hunting, sb64!
Can someone else help?

2005-10-07 23:17:27 UTC
Thanks Chello!!
you are a very cordial and kind man, thanks for the answer.
Your answers, always floods of detail, very useful for me!!
Speaking of striptease, I have received information in Web in which she is
written that Christy has realized other marvelous strep-tease in the gold
years (!984-86). These scenes are contained in a video (Candid Christy #2),
but also this video is not available Fan Club!!! And' possible for you to
help me???
Dear American friends!!! In Italy and in Europe is very difficult to find
all the films of Christy!! and Christy is so beautiful!!! Christy is a show
of the nature!! its body is a perfect dream for a man!!!!
Me available to buy these old video, and I am also available to exchange
these video with video DVD original years (84-86) realized in Europe, I have
very material in my personnel collection!!!!
I hope in the collaboration and in the help of all the friends of Christy,
for me it is not possible to assist to a true show live with Christy
Only great consolation is the video!!!
Thanks Dear Chello for the precious help, Thanks to all of you American
friends, even if for you won't be possible anybody help!!
You bring a regard to Christy from Italy.
Christy forever in my Heart!!!!!
Best Regards
Post by sb64
I write this message from Italy.
I am great fan of Miss Christy from 1989.
I almost all have filmographi of Christy, in my collection they miss only
4-5 films.
I am looking for a very rare film (Robin Byrd Show) I have asked this film
to the fan-club but it is not available. I am desperate, for me it is a lot
of main point to add this film in my collection.
Have visited some messages newsgroup in which this film is written
striptease is very a lot of beautiful!!!!!
Please!!! Please!!! Please helped me!! I am available to buy a copy of this
I appeal a great to all the friends of the beautiful Christy this it is for
me the only possibility to receive this video, a particular invitation to
the kind Chello and also to the whole other great fans all over the world.
My best regards to everybody
excuse my bad English
Zibi from Italy
2005-10-09 15:41:06 UTC
Post by sb64
I write this message from Italy.
I am great fan of Miss Christy from 1989.
I almost all have filmographi of Christy, in my collection they miss only
4-5 films.

Zibi, Sir, and other serious CHRISTY CANYON fans:

The Internet provides many "Filmographies" for Christy Canyon's films,
often containing mostly titles of Compilations and Re-runs, because
the vendor's goal is to SELL as many different tapes as possible. In
contrast, the list provided below is an attempt to identify original
filmings with a minimum of compilations or repeats. As an exception,
you will find HOLLY DOES HOLLYWOOD as at least 3 different versions
because of significant differences. (Many fans may not be aware of the
1999 Billy Bad Ass version). Some of the "better" compilations are
also listed. Several obscure items really do not belong on a list of

The current popularity of DVD format has almost made VHS obsolete, so
just think of this as a dream list from the old days of 6-hour tapes.
Other Fans, better experts, will disagree with many parts of what is
shown here. CHRISTY CANYON has enjoyed such a varied career that no
mere LIST can encompass all that, so please be gentle with criticism,
just look for what might be useful to your own needs.

Thank YOU, Christy Canyon,for all that you have done, and the many
delights which you have shared with your Fans so generously!

A reference Library of CHRISTY CANYON scenes, condensed as EP excerpts
on several high quality tapes, roughly Chronological, but the
sequence is wrong, compiled in 2000. Christy's autobiography was
published in 2003. Filming Dates now shown in this list are 2005
revised guesses after reading Christy's book, especially for films
such as WOMAN IN PINK and FLESH & ECSTASY, which Christy has mentioned
in her book as being shot before Christy went to Bruce Seven's
Thanksgiving Party in 1984.

Tape A
0:01:45 SWEDISH EROTICA Vol. 57 (84.10.01)
0:31:35 ON GOLDEN BLONDE (84.10.05)
2:06:00 WOMAN IN PINK (84.11.21)
3:02:00 TAPEBUSTERS "Screen Test" (84.10.xa)
3:23:30 ORIFICE PARTY (84.10.xb)
4:18:00 BIG BUSTY No. 8 (84.10.xc)
4:40:00 BIG BUSTY No.10 (84.10.xd)
5:11:30 BETWEEN MY BREASTS (Christy-narrated clips from BB8,10.)
6:08:19 tape A rewinds. See tape B for ending of BMB.

Tape B
0:01:41 BETWEEN MY BREASTS, ending carried over from Tape A.
0:04:30 BIG MELONS Vol. 3 (84.10.xe)
0:28:30 DIAMOND COLLECTION Vol. 67 "Sexy Curtains" (84.10.xf)
0:52:30 DOCTOR DESIRE (84.10.23)
1:22:00 I LIKE TO BE WATCHED (84.10.14)
2:29:10 KISSIN' COUSINS (84.10.19)
3:07:00 LITTLE GIRLS OF THE STREETS (84.11.17)
3:46:20 THE ENCHANTRESS (84.11.19)
4:30:10 SINFULLY YOURS (84.11.xa)
5:15:45 ELECTRIC BLUE 19 (84.11.xb)
5:20:00 YOU MAKE ME WET (84.10.15)
5:58:10 SWEDISH EROTICA Vol. 58 (84.11.xc)
6:06:18 tape B rewinds. See tape C for ending of SE57.

Tape C
0:03:34 SWEDISH EROTICA Vol. 58, remainder (84.11.xc)
0:20:48 HOLLY DOES HOLLYWOOD (original) (84:11.xd)
1:41:07 TIT FUCKERS (V.E. outtakes HDH)
1:59:00 Video Exclusives STAR SERIES 62 (outtakes HDH)
2:27:00 (transferred from Beta II to SVHS)
4:10:26 HOLLY DOES HOLLYWOOD (1991 re-issue from Christy's Fan Club)
5:07:15 HOLLY DOES HOLLYWOOD (1999 Billy Bad Ass version, outtakes)
6:08:13 tape C rewinds. See Tape D for remainder of bbaHDH.

Tape D
0:01:45 finish HOLLY DOES HOLLYWOOD (1999 version)
0:33:40 A MIDSLUMBER'S NIGHT DREAM (84.11.xe).
1:27:43 FLESH & ECSTASY (84.10.08)
1:59:00 DIRTY LETTERS (84.11.xf)
2:32:10 (see Tape E for Tracy In Heaven)
2:36:00 SEX GODDESS (84.10.11)
3:14:00 GOURMET QUICKIE 719 (Sex Goddess)
3:30:50 HYPNOTIC SENSATIONS (84.12.xa)
4:20:22 GOURMET QUICKIE 719 (Hypnotic Sensations)
4:33:56 EVIL ANGEL (84.12.xb)
5:47:46 blank space (was intended to be X-TV-ROCK (Evil Angel)

Tape E
0:01:45 TRACY IN HEAVEN (84.11.xg)
0:52:58 GANG BANGS (84.12.xc)
1:31:30 LADIES IN LACE (84.12.xd)
2:35:50 WPINK TV (1985 original) (85.01.xa)
3:38:24 WPINK TV (1991 re-issue from Christy's Fan Club)
4:17:40 VIDEO TRAMP (85.01.xb)
5:17:48 PERFECT FIT (8501.xc)
5:55:30 BACK TO CLASS (scene from Perfect Fit)
6:03:50 blank end of tape

Tape F
0:01:45 FANTASIES, UNLTD. (85.01.xd)
0:08:45 I DREAM OF GINGER (85.01.xe)
0:56:00 EDUCATING MANDY (84.12.23 and 85.01.xx)
1:48:25 DIAMOND COLLECTION 73 (Ed. Mandy scene) (84.12.23)
2:07:46 EROTIC STARLETS (Ed. Mandy scenes)
2:20:40 LIKE A VIRGIN (85.02.xa)
3:36:10 DIAMOND COLLECTION 65 (CC/PN) (85.02.xc)
4:05:00 SEX FIFTH AVENUE (85.02.xd)
5:23:20 DIRTY SHARY (85.02.xd)
5:56:00 blank recording to end

Tape G
0:02:35 EROTICA JONES (85.02.xc)
1:27:56 BATTLE OF THE STARS (85.02.xe)
2:25:25 TREASURE CHEST (85.03.xa)
3:51:25 GOURMET QUICKIE 729 (outtakes TC)
4:06:57 GOURMET QUICKIE 730 (outtakes TC)
4:21:32 CALIFORNIA GIRLS XIII (outtakes TC)
4:46:14 JUBILEE OF EROTICISM (85.02.xb)
4:55:26 GINGER ON THE ROCKS (85.03.xb)
5:30:00 WILD THINGS (85.03.xc)
5:57:00 ITS MY BODY (85.03.xd)
6:08:13 rewinds. See tape H for continuation IMB.

Tape H
0:01:25 finish ITS MY BODY
0:28:40 promo EDUCATING MANDY, good outtakes. See tape F.
0:32:00 HARLEQUIN AFFAIR (85.03.xe)
1:10:45 ONE HOT NIGHT OF PASSION (85.03.xf)
1:45:50 SORE THROAT (85.04.xa)
2:24:10 Hollwood STARLETS (85.04.xb)
3:43:00 BLACK THROAT (85.04.xd)
4:09:40 KISS OF THE GYPSY (85.04.xe)
4:30:13 SAVAGE FURY (85:04:xf) ( Christy retired until June 1989.)
5:48:00 (LeisureTime outtakes, SAVAGE FURY)
5:59:37 rewinds. See Tape I for continuation S.F. outtakes.

Tape I
0:01:45 SAVAGE FURY start (see tape H 4:30:13)
0:04:58 Leisure Time outtakes from SAVAGE FURY, not intercut.
0:25:36 CHRISTY CANYON 6-HOUR SPECIAL SU03 excerpts:
0:26:00 (Sex Therapist segment)
0:29:23 (Savage Fury excerpts, outtakes)
0:41:57 (from I Dream of Christy, PN)
0:42:36 (from I Dream of Christy, RJ)
0:43:00 (various scenes from I Like to be Watched)
1:08:00 (from Like A Virgin)
1:28:12 (from Holly Does Hollywood)
1:45:00 GIRLS OF PARADISE (compilation, WPINK-TV scene)
1:57:00 (G.O.P., Scene from NIGHT OF LOVING DANGEROUSLY)
2:07:00 blank space. Allowed for other outakes from 1984-5 career.
Start 1989 Christy Canyon comeback on a fresh Tape J.

Tape J
0:01:45 HOT IN THE CITY (89.06.xx)
0:55:10 PLAY CHRISTY FOR ME (89.07.xx) originally "Christy &
Company", held back.
1:44:10 I DREAM OF CHRISTY (89.08.xx)
2:36:05 SAVAGE FURY II (89.09.xx)
3:38:10 BEST OF CHRISTY CANYON (Christy-narrated scenes from
4::0140 HOLLY DOES HOLLYWOOD IV (89.10..xx)
5:13:18 STAR 90 (89.11.xx) ,not quite all.
6:08:06 rewinds. See Tape K for ending of Star 90.

Tape K
0:01:35 STAR 90 , repeat Title & opening scene
0:07:26 final scene of STAR 90.
0:17:52 COMING OF CHRISTY (89.12.xx)
1:13:45 CONFESSIONS OF CHRISTY 90.01.xx)
1:57:11 short clip of Christy Canyon signing at C.E.S.Show.
1:58:00 blank space. Allowed for other outtakes from 1989 career.
Start 1990 Christy Canyon career at VIVID on fresh tape L.

Tape L
0:01:45 FANCY RAY McCLONEY Minneapolis Ch.6 TV Interview (Sep 1993)
0:03:38 PORTRAIT OF CHRISTY (90.07.xx)
1:33:40 TWISTED (90.09.xx)
2:32:16 GET OFF with Christy Canyon (90.09.xx)
3:11:50 SEX ASYLUM 4 (90.11.xx)
4:10:10 THE LEGENDS OF KAMA SUTRA (90.10.xx)
4:25:35 FANTASY IN BLUE (90.12.xx)
4:43:35 DREAMS OF CANDACE HART (91.02.xx)
4:54:55 PASSAGES (Part 1) (91.03.xx)
5:49:00 BEHIND THE SCENES: PASSAGES (91.03.xx)
6:08:25 rewinds.(in scene from Passages).

Tape M
0:01:40 PASSAGES II (91.03.xx)
0:40:00 (insert MIDNIGHT BLUE, national TV, Goldstein intrvw CC)
0:49:37 (resume Jennifer/Marc scene, PASSAGES II ).
1:56:04 PASSAGES III (91.06.xx)
2:46:20 PASSAGES IV (91.06.xx)
3:45:42 10 QUESTIONS: CHRISTY CANYON (interview and VIVID
4:13:23 ON TRIAL Part 1 - DEFENSE OF SAVANNAH (91.08.xx)
5:06:45 ON TRIAL Part II- Oral Arguments (91.09.xx)
5:30.12 BARDOT (91.11:07)
5:56:00 G-SPOT (Adam & Eve, Christy/Tim Wakefield) (91.11:07)
6:08:06 rewinds.

Tape N
0:01:45 CRAZED (part I) (91.11:08)
1:00:10 CRAZED -PART II (92.03.16)
1:53:21 VICTIM OF LOVE (part I) (91.1124)
2:24:00 VICTIM OF LOVE -PART II (91.11.26)
3:15:53 PRETTY IN PEACH (92.02.17)
4:24:23 CHRISTY IN THE WILD (92.04.27)
5:08:13 RAQUEL IN THE WILD (Part 2 of Christy In The Wild)
5:49:07 THE ROBIN BYRD SHOW (New York City Cable TV) C.C. interview.
6:07:45 rewinds.

Tape O.
0:01:28 BEST OF CHRISTY CANYON 2 (Intro only)
0:02:27 MIDNIGHT BLUE excerpts, Al Goldstein interviews Christy
0:45:12 ROBIN BYRD SHOW, including Christy's dance at Goldfngers
2:02:30 SEX II (92.12.15) (Then Christy retired from filmings until
February 1995)
2:36:36 CHRISTY CANYON IS IN THE ZONE. Vivid Special, Spice 2
Channel, Chicago
2:37:46 part of CCIITZ, SEX II outtakes: Christy with Mike Horner.
2:55:00 Various video clips of Christy Canyon signing at
Conventions, shows.
3:01:05 unrecorded blank space, for any additional 1991-92 finds.

Tape P
0:03:27 THEN & NOW (95.02.25) Christy Canyon and Amber Lynn, clips,
0:04:38 T&N scene from I Dream of Ginger, Christy with Paul Thomas.
0:10:50 T&N scene from Portrait of Christy, Christy with Peter and
0:15:20 T&N new footage Christy and Amber. (95.02.25)
0:21:10 WHERE THE BOYS ARENT SIX (95.02.28)
1:09:14 WHERE THE BOYS ARENT #7 (95.03.05)
2:03:57 FANCY RAY SHOW Minneapolis Channel 6 TV (Christy, Ginger,
Juli) (95.06.30)
2:13:20 COMEBACK (95.05.09)
3:42:00 NIGHTBREED (95.08.01)
4:37:26 SEX SECRETS OF A MISTRESS (95.08.15) (from VHS)
5:25:40 DEEP IN THE CANYON 2 excerpt Christy/Mark, SSM outtakes.
5:37:40 SEX SECRETS OF A MISTRESS (from DVD with multiple-angles)
6:06:36 rewinds.

Tape Q
0:01:47 ORAL ADDICTION (95.11.13)
1:16:45 DEEP IN THE CANYON 2 excerpts Christy/Mark, OA outtakes.
1:24:36 THE SHOW (95.11.18) VHS version, short ending.
2:42:26 Long ending of THE SHOW, from a Fan of CC.
2:56:50 DEEP IN THE CANYON 2 excerpts Christy/3, long ending.
3:08:00 from DVD version THE SHOW, multiple angles, but short ending
3:22:50 FANCY RAY SHOW, Minneapolis cable TV Safe-Sex promos
3:34:50 DOMINATION NATION (96.05.22)
4:35:20 DOMINATION NATION 2 (96.05.23)
5:48:52 unrecorded blank space to end.
END OF SET. I did not include Christy's final filming June 8, 1996,
WHERE THE BOYS ARENT #9 - CROWDED HOUSE because Christy did not have
Heterosexual action.
A few weeks later, Christy married "Jeremy Stone" (editor-in-chief,
ADAM Film World Guide).
MES Jones
2005-10-09 16:05:49 UTC
I believe that the footage is on Candid Christy 2 or 3 from her fan
club. I'm sure some fine person here will have her address and the
exact info. Later. mes.
2005-10-09 21:55:45 UTC
Dear Friends I have many problems with my e-mail address.
For every contact you write to this address:
Thank you Chello!!!
Thanks to all!!

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