Christy compileation dvd's
(too old to reply)
MES Jones
2006-09-29 17:49:50 UTC
I have noticed that alpha blue has released a new one called "lesbian
bra busters". Does anyone know what scenes there are in that?
I have also noticed that cabalero is coming out with one in the
future. I hope it is good.
Vivid has a ton. Deep in the canyon is the only one I have. I wonder
if the new ones have anything different than the original videos?
Extra long or deleted scenes ect..
Here are a few that looked interesting. At least the box did.
Incredible Christy Canyon;
Essential Nikki Dial (kind of like ND too);
Christy Creams;
And the winner is--CC;
Passion of the Christies;
Deepest in the Canyon.
There are tons more.
2006-10-05 23:36:18 UTC
Post by MES Jones
I have noticed that alpha blue has released a new one called "lesbian
bra busters". Does anyone know what scenes there are in that?
I have also noticed that cabalero is coming out with one in the
future. I hope it is good.
Vivid has a ton. Deep in the canyon is the only one I have. I wonder
if the new ones have anything different than the original videos?
Extra long or deleted scenes ect..
Here are a few that looked interesting. At least the box did.
Incredible Christy Canyon;
Essential Nikki Dial (kind of like ND too);
Christy Creams;
And the winner is--CC;
Passion of the Christies;
Deepest in the Canyon.
There are tons more.
None of the Vivid comps have anything different than what was on
original movie.

In fact, you're better off buying the original as comps tend to be
edited abruptly with some good preliminaries cut out. some are also
looped too much!

The only extra long scene I know is the last scene in Treasure Chest -
it was cut short. The full scene can be found in "Gourmet Quickies #
729 and #730".

I'm not aware of any vids that have 'deleted Christy Canyon' scenes but
I could be wrong.
