I don't get you guys....sure there's been alot of jokes over the years
about Ron Jeremy being a Porn Star because he isn't built like a
bodybuilder or something.
And you knock Christy Canyon because she actually felt comfortable
having sex with him on film.
How many times have I heard how great looking women ( you can't deny she
wasn't awesomely builit back at her most popular time of her career )
only go after guys that look like male models, are built, tall, rich,
etc. And here is someone, Christy Canyon, down to earth that she saw
and knew the whole guy...and didn't have a stuck-up attitude because he
didn't have the sterotypical good looks.
The porn stars today are SO stuck up and shallow most of them only have
sex with the women!!! how fucked up is that?
Maybe that's part of the reason Christy Canyon's fans are so loyal,
because besides being the biggest turn-on in porn ever, she isn't a
stuck up bitch...........